Collection of Vladimir Danelia

About the collection

    The wine producer Vladimir Danelia founded the company “Danelia and Co.” in Batumi in 1907, which produced and exported Georgian wines. Before the Soviet era (1921), he was considered the largest wine producer. He owned a wine bottling factory in Batumi, vineyards in various regions of Georgia, wine retail chains in Georgia and abroad – in Hopa, Rize, Trabzon, Marcel, etc.
Vladimir Danelia produced Georgian church and fasting wines using the centuries-old family technology of treating wine with honey. He bottled the wines in his winery and exported them to various countries via the port of Batumi.
Vladimir Danelia’s wine business was continued by his grandson – Gela Danelia. He restored the company, brought the products to the market, restored the Danelia building on Z. Gamsakhurdia Street in Batumi, where he used to have a wine shop, and restored “The Old Wine House",” where his wine production is sold.


