Combat weapons. XIX century.

About the collection

  • 1784 Selim Khimshiashvili became the governor of Adjara. As a result of his activity, Upper and Lower Adjara were united. He conquered Akhaltsikhe in 1803. Sultan Selim III of Turkey recognized his victory and gave him the title of Pasha. He governed  Akhaltsikhe from 1803 to 1809. Part of the Turkish Pashas did not like such  a promotion to eminence of his. Peklevan Baba Pasha attacked  Adjara all round  with a 15,000-strong army and brutally straightened. Selim repulsed him more than once, but he could not withstand the subsequent invasions and surrendered in 1815, was captured. In the same year he was beheaded in Khikhadziri.


1. Turkish gun. XIXc.

2. Georgian sword. XIXc.

