The first exhibits of the museum

About the collection

  • The presented exhibits are made in St. Petersburg’s  moulage(plaster casts) factory. The moulage (plaster casts) of oriental and eguption items.  They aare preserved in various museums around the world. The copies were brought in 1907-1916 and were exhibited in the school museum founded by Gomon, on the basis of which the Xariton Akvlediani Museum operates.


1. Lamassu - Sumerian Lama, BC. II half of the VIII century, Alabaster, the mythical face of the Akkadians, a five-legged winged bull. Gate keeper.

2. Ushumgalana- (Sumerian sky monster) Dumuz epithet "Tamuz". Plaster.

 3. Lao Tzu, - Chinese wise, Chinese wise on a bull, model, B.C. VI century, Alabaster.

4. "Anubis" - plaster, the Egyptian variety of the jackal, the god of death. BC წ. 2500

5.Sphinx (model) - V BC. წ. Alabaster. The sphinx is a Greek word meaning a demonic creature.

6. Totem - protector of the genus (model) plaster V c.

7. Buddha-in the position of prayer(model), Alabaster, V c. Founder of the mythology of the Buddhist religion.
