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On 21 February 1921, the Constituent Assembly of Georgia adopted the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Georgia.

On 21 February 1921, the Constituent Assembly of Georgia adopted the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Georgia. The Constitution was based on the principles of the Act of Independence of Georgia adopted on 26 May 1918. The Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Georgia, a globally recognised progressive document from this period, consists of 17 chapters and 149 articles. According to the country’s constitution, the form of political structure was defined as a democratic republic. The constitution guaranteed the rights of women and religious and ethnic minorities and abolished the death penalty. The first draft of the Georgian Constitution was printed in full in June 1920 and distributed to the members of the Constituent Assembly for consideration. The official text of the constitution was published in the printing house of Nestor Khvingia in Batumi. Shortly after its adoption, Soviet Russia occupied our country, and the newly adopted Constitution was suspended. Nevertheless, the Constitution of 21 February 1921 laid the most important foundation for the formation of the modern Georgian state and legal culture. The current Constitution of Georgia is based on the legal-historical heritage of the Constitution of the First Democratic Republic of Georgia.
The constitutional project of the Democratic Republic of Georgia, which was printed in Tbilisi in June 1920, is kept in the Ajara Khariton Akhvlediani Museum.
